Invitation to the Supplier Event on May

The next Supplier Event on May will be held in Sokos Hotel President.

In the attachment you will find an invitation to the Supplier Event held in Sokos Hotel President on Thursday 25 May 2018 0900 – 1530.

Alko is organizing a supplier event and we are glad to invite you to participate in it. In addition to topical items, the program of the day includes a deep dive to crisis communication with the help of group exercises. We hope that also the persons responsible for communication would take part in the event.

Even if a crisis is always a threat to the company's reputation, its stakeholder relations and its business, it also can strengthen the company's reputation if handled properly.

Nowadays, in the era of real-time communication and social media, small mistakes or omissions may grow into a crisis that requires quick response and action. Therefore anticipation, planning and coaching are the best ways for crisis and risk management.

Crisis communication exercises are carried out in small groups, allowing everyone to experience a fictional crisis communication situation to see how a crisis situation is handled in practice. During a compact training day, you will have a good understanding of successful crisis communication procedure and good practices and processes in crisis situations. After the training, you will also get a comprehensive information package of successful communications in media crises.


0900 – 0930 Morning coffee
0930 – 1100 Topical items, Executive Vice President, Products and Purchasing Minna Alitalo
1100 – 1200 Crisis communication principles, Eric Bäckman, Miltton,
Executive Vice President, Communications, Maritta Iso-Aho, Alko
1200 – 1245 Lunch
1300 – 1530 Crisis communication training in groups

You are welcome to attend; however, please note that the event will be held in Finnish. All the material from the event will be published in English on the Alko website.

Please RSVP 4 May 2018 at the latest by clicking the link in the invitation.
