Additions to Selection Plan

If the need for a product is so urgent that it is not possible wait until the next Selection Plan, we publish an additional search as a separate document.

Please use this form when making an offer for an Alko non-alcoholic products for summer season 2018.

Tenders are invited for summer season products with Alko´s own label. Please send offers to arrive 2 February 3pm at the latest.

In Jan we look for rose and white wines (0.357-litre bottle) as a service products. Offers to arrive by 31 Jan 2017.
In September we look for Sherry as a service product. Please send your offers to arrive by 30 Sep 2017.
Amended 24.7 (see PDF here). Tenders of sparkling wines in half bottles are invited. Offers to arrive 7 August at the latest.
Tenders for DOCG Ghemme red wines are invited. Please send offers to arrive 15 August 2017 at the latest.
Tenders for a Shaoxing rice wine are invited. Please send offers to arrive 31 August 2017 at the latest.
Tenders are invited for Christmas mocktails with Alko’s own label. Please send offers to arrive 25 August at 3 o'clock at the latest.
Scottish Single Malt Whisky as a limited availability product. Please send your offers to arrive by 27 July 2017.
Pumpkin Ale and Craft Cider as limited availability products. Please send your offers to arrive by 30 June 2017.
In May we look for beers from Baltic Countries as addition to the Purchase Plan. Please send your offers to arrive by 31 May 2017.
To celebrate the centenary of Finland’s independence Alko is searching for fruit and/or berry wine.
In April we look for distilled gin as a limited availability product. Please send your offers to arrive by 21 April 2017.
In March we are looking for a Scottish Single Malt Whisky as a limited availability product. Please send your offers to arrive by 31 March 2017.

We are looking for as addition to our Purchase Plan a lager and long drink and as a limited availability product a sour/wild ale.

To celebrate the centenary of Finland’s independence Alko is searching for limited availability products.
As addition to the Purchase Plan we are searching for Finnish APA beer for general selection.

Please use this form when making an offer for an Alko 85th anniversary mocktail.

To celebrate the 85th anniversary, tenders are invited for mocktails with Alko’s own label.

We are looking for a red wine from Greece as an addition to the Purchase Plan. Please send your offers to arrive by 15 November 2016.

In October - Noviember we look for whiskeys from Japan and Scotland  as limited availability products. Please send your offers to arrive by 30 October 2016 and 14 November 2016.

As additions to the Purchase Plan we are searching for Black IPA for general selection and limited availability products for the summer. Please send your offers to arrive by 17 October 2017.

In August - September we look for a non-alcoholic white wine as a service product. Please send your offers to arrive by 30 September 2016.

In June we look for non-alcoholic beer as a service product. Please send your offers to arrive by 30 June 2016.

In May-June we are searching for products suitable for the Christmas and winter season as limited availability products. Please send the offers to arrive by 10 June 2016.

In April we are searching for Finnish micro brewery beers as  limited availability products. Please send your offers to arrive by 22 April 2016.

In April we are searching for Tokaji from Hungary. Please send your offers to arrive by 29 April 2016.

In April we look for a gin from Finland as well as whiskeys from Scotland and the USA as limited availability products. Please send your offers to arrive by 14 April 2016.

We are searching for a Brazilian beer as a limited availability product. Please send your offers to arrive by 30 March 2016.

In March we look for mixers as service products and gins as limited availability products. Please send your offers to arrive by 25 March 2016.

In February-March we are searching for a barrel aged imperial stout from the USA.
We are searching for a Brazilian beer as a limited availability product.

In November-December we look for double IPA and long drink from Finland as a limited availability product. Please send your offers to arrive by 15 December 2015.

In October – November we look for single malt whiskies as limited availability products. Please send your offers to arrive by 20 November 2015.

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