Alko's Arkadia flagship shop is under renovation in August and will be reopened in September

Alko’s flagship shop located at Arkadia in Helsinki city center will be fully renovated.
The Arkadia shop will be renovated during August and will be closed for the whole month. During the renovation, the flagship shop’s special selection products can be found in Tapiola, Eteläesplanadi, Stockmann and Kasarmitori shops. The products are available for customers also by contacting Alko Customer Service and agreeing on a remote purchase. The shop availability of the special selection products that are transferred to above mentioned shops can be seen on website normally.

The newly renovated shop will focus on experientiality and discovering. Examples of the new solutions in the renovated shop are e.g. new experiential product worlds, a specific area for seasonal product displays, different digital solutions as well as other improvements that serve the more self-service oriented customers. Operational reforms are for example an additional cash desk solution and a separate Alko Online Store pick-up desk.

The renovated Arkadia shop will be reopened on 2 September.