Alko contributes more than EUR 900 million to Finnish economy

Operational efficiency is vital for sustainable financial performance. Alko takes the interests of all its stakeholders equally into account and reports on its operations transparently and openly.  Alko contributes more than EUR 900 million to the Finnish economy every year.

Alko abides by the principles of sustainable business and operates openly and in compliance with current legislation, regulations, and agreements. The company does not accept bribery or corruption of any kind and adheres to economically responsible principles. Alko also expects the same from its partners.

Customers: EUR 1,159.7 million

Alko’s customers are offered safe, premium-quality products and services. In 2015, income from alcoholic beverages totalled EUR 1,151.7 million (EUR 1,172.0 million in 2014). The value of the products and services provided amounted to EUR 5.4 million (EUR 7.1 million). Other operating income totalled EUR 2.6 million (EUR 3.1 million) and mainly comprised rental income and capital gains from the sale of fixed assets.

Suppliers of goods and services: EUR 962.9 million

Alko’s purchases mostly consist of alcoholic beverages. In 2015, purchases from the alcoholic beverage industry and wholesale traders amounted to EUR 920.7 million (EUR 926.5 million in 2014). Alko makes its purchases in euros in order to avoid exchange rate risks. Purchases of other products and services amounted to EUR 42.1 (47.7) million in 2015.

Staff: EUR 86.2 million

In 2015, salaries and fees paid to staff totalled EUR 67.4 million (EUR 68.0 million in 2014). Pension contributions amounted to EUR 14.5 million (EUR 15.9 million) and other staff-related costs came to EUR 3.7 million (EUR 3.6 million) in 2015.

Society: EUR 72.8 million

Taxes are paid according to Finnish laws on all sales and profits. Alko’s tax payments are channelled through the state budget to finance general government spending. They are an important source of revenue for the state, in financing social welfare and healthcare services, for example.

Products sold via Alko generated EUR 586.0 million in alcoholic beverage tax revenue in 2015 (EUR 605.2 million in 2014). Alcohol tax revenue generated for the state totalled approximately EUR 1.4 billion in 2015.

Alko paid EUR 40.5 million (EUR 49.0 million) in value-added tax and EUR 10.1 million (EUR 10.5 million) in corporation tax.

According to calculations by the National Institute for Health and Welfare, harmful effects attributed directly to alcohol cost approximately EUR 1.4 billion for society in 2013.

Organisations: EUR 0.3 million

Alko cooperates with social welfare and health organisations and institutions through the In the Company of Children and Solid, Sober Work programmes. Alko paid organisations a total of EUR 137,500 in fees for their contributions in 2015 (EUR 106,000 in 2014).

Alko’s social responsibility contributions totalled EUR 0.3 million (EUR 0.6 million). Alko does not give subsidies or assistance to political parties.

The owner: EUR 40.0 million

Alko paid the Finnish state a dividend of EUR 40.0 million from its 2014 operating profit (EUR 38.0 million from the 2013 operating profit). The 2015 dividend amounted to EUR 40.0 million, and it will be paid in 2016.  The company does not receive any financial assistance from the state.

Investments: EUR 4.7 million

Alko’s investments focus on the development of its network of stores and strategic projects. EUR 2.3 million was invested in developing Alko’s retail network in 2015 (EUR 2.4 million in 2014). Development investments amounted to EUR 2.4 million in total in 2015.