Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is responsible for the company’s administration and the proper organisation of the company’s operations in accordance with the law and the Articles of Association, the decisions of the Annual General Meeting and the instructions of the Supervisory Board.

The term of office of a Member of the Board lasts until the end of the next Annual General Meeting following his/her election.

The Board of Directors appoints and dismisses the President & CEO, the President & CEO’s deputies and other members of the Management Team, and decides on their salaries and other benefits.

The Annual General Meeting elects the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Board and a minimum of three and maximum of six members.

The Annual General Meeting of 2024 elected five members in addition to the Chairman and Vice Chairman.

Two personnel representatives take part in the meetings without the right to vote.

Committees of the Board of Directors

Alko Inc.'s Board of Directors has established three committees, namely the Audit, Personnel and Responsibility Committees.

The Board of Directors appoints the chairmen and members of the committees.

The committees report on their activities to the Board of Directors.

Operating procedures have been prepared for all the committees.

The Board of Directors

Chairman Laura Raitio, Licentiate of Technology
Vice Chairman Mikko Forsell, Diploma in Engineering, Master of Science (economics)
Päivi Antola, Master of Science, Director of Communications 
Carolina BadeMaster of Science (economics)
Antti Koivula, Doctor of Science (technology), Director General
Pia Pohja, Vocational Qualification in Business and Administration
Petri Virolainen, Doctor of Medical Science, Manager of the Welfare Area


Personnel representatives

Riina Väntsi, Chairman of Alkoholialan toimihenkilöt ry
Antti Turunen, acting Chairman of Alkon Liikeväki ALV ry